1,384 research outputs found

    Synesthesia: Detecting Screen Content via Remote Acoustic Side Channels

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    We show that subtle acoustic noises emanating from within computer screens can be used to detect the content displayed on the screens. This sound can be picked up by ordinary microphones built into webcams or screens, and is inadvertently transmitted to other parties, e.g., during a videoconference call or archived recordings. It can also be recorded by a smartphone or "smart speaker" placed on a desk next to the screen, or from as far as 10 meters away using a parabolic microphone. Empirically demonstrating various attack scenarios, we show how this channel can be used for real-time detection of on-screen text, or users' input into on-screen virtual keyboards. We also demonstrate how an attacker can analyze the audio received during video call (e.g., on Google Hangout) to infer whether the other side is browsing the web in lieu of watching the video call, and which web site is displayed on their screen

    Dynamic Response of Dielectric Lenses Influenced By Radiation Pressure

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    Through analytical modeling and numerical simulations the dynamic response and stability of dielectric lenses that are influenced by radiation pressure forces and torques is investigated. Radiation pressure forces and torques are applied to the system via momentum transfer between the laser beam light and lens. The 2D response of a rolling semi-cylindrical rod that is influenced by radiation pressure is simulated using constant and modulating light intensities. Stable oscillations and regions of stability in the motion of the semi-cylindrical rod are found for both a mirrored and non-mirrored rod. The results showed that at a critical intensity of 1.72 x 106 W/m2 and 12.81 x 106 W/m2 the mirrored and non-mirrored rods motion bifurcates and begins to show neutrally stable oscillations around some higher angular orientation. Lastly, it was shown that by sinusoidally modulating the laser intensity that the motion showed stable oscillations around previously unstable equilibrium angles of attack for a constant intensity. The dynamics of a gravity-free 3D hemisphere that is influenced by radiation pressure is also considered. The motion of the system is analyzed to produce various types of gyroscopic motion. Using analytical and numerical techniques pure precessional motion along with looping, sinusoidal, and cuspsoidal nutation was shown. By first utilizing a closed loop PID controller, an open loop control algorithm was developed using an intensity time history from the closed loop system. The intensity time history was then applied to allow for angular position control of the hemisphere for a region of a 4D parameter space. The results showed that for a given parameter space approximately 25% of the initial condition parameter space allowed for the steady state angular position of the hemisphere to be within 5o of the incoming laser light direction

    Mathematical modeling of the Drosophila neuromuscular junction

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    Poster presentation: An important challenge in neuroscience is understanding how networks of neurons go about processing information. Synapses are thought to play an essential role in cellular information processing however quantitative and mathematical models of the underlying physiologic processes that occur at synaptic active zones are lacking. We are generating mathematical models of synaptic vesicle dynamics at a well-characterized model synapse, the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction. This synapse's simplicity, accessibility to various electrophysiological recording and imaging techniques, and the genetic malleability intrinsic to Drosophila system make it ideal for computational and mathematical studies. We have employed a reductionist approach and started by modeling single presynaptic boutons. Synaptic vesicles can be divided into different pools; however, a quantitative understanding of their dynamics at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction is lacking [4]. We performed biologically realistic simulations of high and low release probability boutons [3] using partial differential equations (PDE) taking into account not only the evolution in time but also the spatial structure in two dimensions (the extension to three dimensions will be implemented soon). PDEs are solved using UG, a program library for the calculation of multi-dimensional PDEs solved using a finite volume approach and implicit time stepping methods leading to extended linear equation systems be solvedwith multi-grid methods [3,4]. Numerical calculations are done on multi-processor computers for fast calculations using different parameters in order to asses the biological feasibility of different models. In preliminary simulations, we modeled vesicle dynamics as a diffusion process describing exocytosis as Neumann streams at synaptic active zones. The initial results obtained with these models are consistent with experimental data. However, this should be regarded as a work in progress. Further refinements will be implemented, including simulations using morphologically realistic geometries which were generated from confocal scans of the neuromuscular junction using NeuRA (a Neuron Reconstruction Algorithm). Other parameters such as glutamate diffusion and reuptake dynamics, as well as postsynaptic receptor kinetics will be incorporated as well

    Scalable Online Conformance Checking Using Incremental Prefix-Alignment Computation

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    Conformance checking techniques aim to collate observed process behavior with normative/modeled process models. The majority of existing approaches focuses on completed process executions, i.e., offline conformance checking. Recently, novel approaches have been designed to monitor ongoing processes, i.e., online conformance checking. Such techniques detect deviations of an ongoing process execution from a normative process model at the moment they occur. Thereby, countermeasures can be taken immediately to prevent a process deviation from causing further, undesired consequences. Most online approaches only allow to detect approximations of deviations. This causes the problem of falsely detected deviations, i.e., detected deviations that are actually no deviations. We have, therefore, recently introduced a novel approach to compute exact conformance checking results in an online environment. In this paper, we focus on the practical application and present a scalable, distributed implementation of the proposed online conformance checking approach. Moreover, we present two extensions to said approach to reduce its computational effort and its practical applicability. We evaluate our implementation using data sets capturing the execution of real processes

    Development of the Infocommunication System for the Intelligent Rail Transport System of Dangerous Goods in Hungary

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    Through the examples of recent accidents in Hungary and abroad, we will reveal the possible reasons for the release of dangerous goods into the environment, and, considering these accidents, we will draw conclusions for the safety of rail transport of dangerous goods. While examining the situation of the rail transport of dangerous goods in Hungary, we will present the fundamental concepts and regulations of the transport of dangerous goods in Europe. Today the system of the transport of dangerous goods greatly relies on manual recording and identification methods. Our aim is to provide the ICT bases for tracking the transport of such goods and monitoring their storage conditions, by making suggestions for the development of a monitoring and tracking system to increase the safety of the rail transport system, provide protection for the critical rail infrastructure and ensure the safety of the transport of dangerous goods

    The Jacobson Radical of a Propositional Theory

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    Alongside the analogy between maximal ideals and complete theories, the Jacobson radical carries over from ideals of commutative rings to theories of propositional calculi. This prompts a variant of Lindenbaum's Lemma that relates classical validity and intuitionistic provability, and the syntactical counterpart of which is Glivenko's Theorem. The Jacobson radical in fact turns out to coincide with the classical deductive closure. As a by-product we obtain a possible interpretation in logic of the axioms-as-rules conservation criterion for a multi-conclusion Scott-style entailment relation over a single-conclusion one.Peer reviewe

    Phagozytose und Killing verschiedener Stämme von Porphyromonas Gingivalis

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    Die Pathogenese der Parodontitis wird heute als Interaktion von Bakterien mit Wirtszellen verstanden. Ziel dieser Studie war es, den Vorgang der Phagozytose und des Killings bei verschiedenen Stämmen der Spezies Porphyromonas gingivalis durch humane polymorphkernige Granulozyten (PMNs) zu untersuchen. Zum besseren Verständnis sollten drei Stämme einer genaueren Untersuchung ihrer Virulenzeigenschaften unterzogen werden. Unsere Ergebnisse konnten zeigen, dass eine gute Phagozytose und Abtötung der Bakterien durch PMNs erfolgte. Zwischen den Stämmen konnte in der Phagozytose kein signifikanter Unterschied gefunden werden. Das Killing phagozytierter P. gingivalis erfolgte innerhalb von 5 min, danach überlebten die Bakterien in den Phagosomen der PMNs. Unter den gegebenen Versuchsbedingungen betrug das extrazellulare Killing nur 4% bis 24% des gesamten Killings durch PMNs, der größere Teil bakterizider Aktivität erfolgte phago-lysosomal. Bei infizierten PMNs war die extrazellulare Aktivität von HNE generell erhöht. Der Kontakt von PMNs mit P. gingivalis führte in allen Fällen zu einem erhöhten Nachweis von Sauerstoff-Radikalen. Die DNase-Aktivität war bei Stamm M 5-1-2 am höchsten, gegen NET-vermitteltes extrazellulares Killing erwies dieser sich als weitgehend resistent. Vermutlich kann sich P. gingivalis M 5-1-2 durch Zerstören der NETs ausbreiten und bildet dadurch einen invasiven Stamm. In den Cystein-Proteasen zeigten sich kaum Unterschiede bei den drei Stämmen. Nach anfänglicher Stress-Aktivierung der PMNs bei Kontakt mit P. gingivalis verringerte sich die Lebenszeit der Zellen. Es handelt sich bei P. gingivalis um eine bakterielle Spezies mit moderater Virulenz, welche Gewebeschädigung durch Modulation der Immunreaktion fördert. Klinische Isolate reagieren anders als Laborstämme. Weiterführende Untersuchungen sollten ebenso isogene Mutanten klinischer Isolate einbeziehen, welche mit dem Krankheitsbild assoziiert sind

    Bedarfsgesteuerte Verteilung von Inhaltsobjekten in Rich Media Collaboration Applications

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    IP-basierte Konferenz- und Kollaborations-Systeme entwickeln sich mehr und mehr in Richtung Rich Media Collaboration, d.h. vereinigen Audio- und Videokonferenzfunktionalität mit Instant Messaging und kollaborativen Funktionen wie Presentation Sharing und Application Sharing. Dabei müssen neben den Live-Medienströmen auch Inhaltsobjekte wie Präsentationsfolien oder Dokumentseiten in Echtzeit innerhalb einer Session verteilt werden. Im Gegensatz zum klassischen 1:n-push-Schema wird dafür in der Arbeit ein Ansatz für wahlfreien Zugriff auf durch die Teilnehmer selbst gehostete Inhaltsobjekte - also n:m-pull-Verteilung - vorgestellt. Dieser Ansatz hat in Anwendungsszenarien mit gleichberechtigten Teilnehmern, wie zum Beispiel virtuellen Meetings von Projektteams, signifikante Performance-Vorteile gegenüber den traditionellen Ansätzen. Mit dem Content Sharing Protocol (CSP) wurde eine Protokoll-Engine bestehend aus neun Mikroprotokollen entwickelt, implementiert und evaluiert. Sie beinhaltet neben der Kernfunktionalität der Inhaltsauslieferung auch Unterstützung für Caching, Prefetching und Datenadaption, sowie dynamische Priorisierung von Datentransfers und Interaktionsunterstützung
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